Category: Events
The Elegant Yinzer Wedding
If you live in Pittsburgh, most likely you LOVE Pittsburgh. Here is the masterclass on showing your love for each other and the black and […]
Veteran’s Day
Rockefeller’s Grille Veteran’s Day Celebration In appreciation to all of our military men & women, all veterans & active duty military will receive a free […]
Wake at Rockefeller’s Grille
Nicole, Thank you for all of your patience. The wake was wonderful and the food was great. -Deb P.
Willy Wonka Baby Shower
“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” -Willy Wonka This baby shower was one of the most-themed events hosted in […]
Kitty Queen Cat Rescue Giveback Night
In September we hosted a Kitty Queen Cat Rescue give back night. The premise is: we advertise, they advertise, and for every table that mentions […]
Office Themed Bridal Shower
If you follow our social media, you may have detected that Jillian and I are super nerds into various fandoms. She’s into Harry Potter, I […]