What’s On
#RockCares Update
In September we visited the local police, fire, and EMS stations and dropped off desserts in celebration of National First Responder’s Day. In October we […]
Saturday Shout Outs-Mike and Adele Kodik
We wouldn’t be here without our loyal customers. On Saturdays we are trying to highlight them and give them a quick #shoutout to show our […]
National Emergency Room Nurses Day
#RockCares visited #OhioValleyHospital yesterday for #NationalERnursesday we took over some delicious homemade dessert as a thank you for all they do for our community.
Contest Winners
Burger Poll Winners: Sue Foster Dale ZolkowskiDessert Poll Winner:Missy WaymanNational Car Day Winner:Michelle ArlottFishbowl Winners:Ida Fedyshyn Brenda Domico Mary Miller Ray Bodnar Tom Sikora
Talk like a Pirate Day
At Rockefeller’s we like to celebrate the ridiculous the best we can! Here we are on #talklikeapirateday getting into the spirit!
National First Responders Day
Today the #RockCares team traveled around McKees Rocks letting our police, fire, and EMT members know how much we appreciate them. Jen made them a […]