What’s On
National Hat Day
#NationalHatDay and you know us, we are always looking for a way to be out of uniform.
February Dinner Specials
SUNDAY: Stuffed Chicken with mashed and corn $12.95 Pierogies in grilled onions and butter $9.99 MONDAY: Lasagna with salad $14.95 TUESDAY: Meatloaf with mashed potatoes […]
February Lunch Specials
12-4 Daily Monday: 3 Slider Sampler with fries $12.29 (mtb snd, chicken parm snd, cheeseburger) Lasagna with salad $14.95 Tuesday: Meatloaf w/ mashed or fries […]
Valentine’s Day Specials
Available at 4 PM on Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, and Tuesday 2/14 20 oz Porterhouse with side and salad $29.98 Crab Ravioli in a cream lobster […]
National Gluten Free Day
#NationalGlutenFreeDay We have a gluten free menu at Rockefeller’s. Just ask your server and they will grab one for you!